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How Crayon helped ConnectWise achieve a massive increase in competitive intelligence adoption, with the global sales team now relying on battlecards and other competitive assets to close more deals.

The opportunity

Read about why 90 percent of ZoomInfo's sales team is now engaging with CI deliverables.

The opportunity

How Crayon helped Alteryx see a 40% increase in battlecard adoption across thousands of users in the first 60 days of launch.

The opportunity

How Crayon helped Salsify see a 22% increase in competitive win rates in the first year, with 78% of all competitive revenue influenced by their battlecard program.

The opportunity

ConnectWise needed a standardized way to collect, analyze, and distribute competitive intelligence to better enable their global revenue teams.

The results

After implementing Crayon, competitive intelligence adoption skyrocketed at ConnectWise, with the global sales team now relying on battlecards and other competitive assets to close more deals.

“I’ve found that Crayon is the best fit for us as we build our CI program and scale up. Without Crayon, we would be manually spending time making updates to competitive assets as opposed to doing strategic competitive intelligence work. Inefficiency is a revenue killer.” 

Product Marketing Manager, ConnectWise

“Crayon is the command center that helps us easily run our competitive intel operations—managing our battlecards, competitive content, and enablement materials to provide better insights to leadership teams."

Product Marketing Manager, ConnectWise

“Our goal is to integrate Crayon everywhere we can. We want to remove any barriers for employees to access the battlecards.”

Product Marketing Manager, ConnectWise

“We’re constantly looking for ways to evolve the CI program, to drive even better insights and better engagement across our teams. Crayon helps us advance our compete program maturity through an innovative product and amazing customer success expertise.”

Product Marketing Manager, ConnectWise

Seeing is Believing.

Learn how Crayon can help you see and seize opportunities through a customized software demo. Just give us a few pieces of information and we’ll take care of the rest.