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How Crayon Onboarding Empowered MiQ to Achieve 70% Battlecard Adoption

From the very first time Rachel Foskett, VP of Global Product Marketing at MiQ, met with Crayon, she had high expectations for her onboarding experience — and she knew that to run a thriving CI program she would need to start by generating goodwill for competitive intelligence across her company.

To get the full MiQ team on board with competitive intelligence, Rachel’s Onboarding Manager at Crayon recognized that the first and most crucial step in this process would be to lean heavily into change management.

Crayon enabled Rachel with coaching around internal needs analysis conversations. With this guidance she was able to hold conversations across the organization with all key revenue leaders to not just understand the root of the competitive problem that needed to be addressed, but to paint the vision of what lay ahead and create the first wave of internal champions. 

Once Rachel generated enough enthusiasm at MiQ to dive headfirst into her partnership with Crayon she quickly realized she’d made the right decision.

“We were really excited to join Crayon when we realized we’d be supported by the onboarding team and our Customer Success Manager (CSM), and that we’d be working on our compete program together,” Rachel said. “After these first few months it’s clear that our program wouldn’t be where it is without our CSM and the onboarding program.”

Along with high expectations for Crayon came an expectation for fast results. Rachel knew that to really deem her CI program a success she’d need to generate usage from her teams, and fast — spoiler alert, she pulled it off and within four months with Crayon had over 70% of her sales team viewing battlecards. 

So, how did Crayon onboarding help get her there?

"Our Onboarding Manager was a superstar."

Collaboration is a core tenant of Crayon’s onboarding program. By approaching onboarding as a team effort, Crayon and Rachel assured an effective program launch. 

“Our Onboarding Manager was a superstar,” said Rachel. “No question was too small, she gave us plenty of her time for training and held us accountable to make real progress during onboarding.” 

“I came into this partnership with so many ideas for what our program would look like, our Onboarding Manager really helped to crystallize our vision for compete at MiQ,” she continued. “Crayon onboarding was critical to our quick success.”

The secret to Crayon onboarding? No useless meetings. Crayon Onboarding Managers have been on hundreds (or thousands) of customer calls and know how to tailor each touch point to the company's CI program needs, ensuring that each meeting with Rachel consisted of the conversations needed to move MiQ forward from a technical and strategic standpoint.

This dedication to collaboration and efficient communication left Rachel extremely satisfied with Crayon onboarding. "We have a lot of different platforms and tools that we use,” finished Rachel. “Crayon has been the smoothest onboarding process — and the easiest onboarding experience I’ve ever been through."

MiQ's Secret to a Successful Onboarding 

That spirit of collaboration extended beyond Rachel’s partnership with her Onboarding Manager to include Priya Shah, Global Product Marketing Associate at MiQ. 

Rachel and Priya were true partners during the onboarding process, they split responsibilities and their roles became two sides of the same coin: Leadership from Rachel and ownership from Priya.

While Rachel was a vocal champion of Crayon and worked on internal relationships to drive the program at MiQ, Priya used the tactical skills she learned in Crayon onboarding to re-train her teammates — resulting in over a dozen Admins working collaboratively to review and disseminate the most actionable insights across their org before onboarding ended.

It went like this: After their Onboarding Manager trained Rachel and Priya on a feature of their CI program, like the Crayon Insights Feed or battlecard best practices, Priya turned around to reinforce the content with her Product Marketing and wider business enablement team, with her Onboarding Manager as support. 

Consistent and dedicated internal ownership is key for a successful onboarding experience, Priya led by example and served as a true program owner by logging into Crayon until all battlecards and product and commercial dashboards had been created. 

Additionally, one of the most effective tools Priya and Rachel used to encourage rapid adoption of CI at MiQ was the Slack + Crayon integration. 

Due to the scale of the international seller group that they are enabling, Rachel created 12 Slack channels — each one segmented by vertical or product topic in order to deliver competitive insights to end users in a nuanced way. By refining the CI experience for each audience, the MiQ team is able to ensure that they are consistently enabling their teams with the most relevant, actionable insights.

“We all love the Slack integration,” said Rachel. “We’re meeting our revenue teams where they already spend the most time, rather than having them learn a new platform to access competitive insights. It has led to a brilliant, customized CI experience that our end users really appreciate.”

Ready to compete like MiQ?

​​A successful onboarding experience has the ability to elevate and amplify a program's impact in short order. Whether starting your program from scratch or maturing an existing CI program, when done correctly onboarding serves as the launch point for your program.

Crayon’s customer onboarding guarantees that your compete program has the jumpstart needed to establish an enduring culture of CI at your company. Just take it from Rachel:

“Thanks to the Crayon onboarding process I have what I need to maximize the value Crayon will provide to our organization,” said Rachel. “I would recommend Crayon to any Product Marketer, due in no small part to my onboarding experience.”

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Madison Blask
Madison Blask is a Content Marketing Senior Specialist at Crayon, where she creates compelling content that converts. Prior to joining Crayon, Madison worked as a Senior Copywriter at CXD Studio, a proudly women-owned creative agency based in Boston, MA.