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Lauren Kersanske

Lauren Kersanske

Lauren Kersanske was previously the Director of Demand Generation at Crayon. Prior to Crayon, she was the Senior Demand Generation Manager at Cybereason, where she built and led digital strategy across the team including campaigns, lead nurturing, conversion optimization, ABM, and more. Previously, she was the Marketing Director at Hexadite, a cybersecurity startup acquired by Microsoft for $100 million, and HubSpot, as Lead Nurturing Manager for North America. Lauren loves the (good) chaos of startup life, and plans on doing it again and again.

How Product Marketers Prioritize & Elevate Competitive Intelligence
Lauren Kersanske

Lauren Kersanske on Fri, Dec 4, 2020

The cool thing about working at Crayon (besides incredible dog and cat Slack channels) is that I get to talk to Product Marketers a whole lot—whether it’s on LinkedIn, in the awesome Product ...

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How to Master Internal Communication for Your Next Product Launch
Lauren Kersanske

Lauren Kersanske on Wed, Sep 30, 2020

A successful product launch is a machine with many moving parts—it requires focus, clear-thinking, and organization to successfully pull it off. While many product marketers are laser-focused on ...

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5 Key Areas to Analyze when Conducting a Competitor Marketing Analysis
Lauren Kersanske

Lauren Kersanske on Wed, Aug 12, 2020

A competitor analysis encompasses many different facets of your competitor’s business—revenue, product, marketing, sales, engineering, organizational structures, and more. But there’s something to be ...

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Battlecards 101: 5 Ways to Drive Sales Adoption of Battlecards
Lauren Kersanske

Lauren Kersanske on Fri, Aug 7, 2020

This post is part two in our Battlecards 101 Series. Click here to read part one. Imagine that you spent hours upon hours building an informative and detailed battlecard for your sales team. Now ...

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The New Normal: 3 Lessons on Competitive Intelligence in the COVID-19 Era
Lauren Kersanske

Lauren Kersanske on Fri, Jul 10, 2020

There is no adequate way to express the effect COVID-19 has had on society. It’s changed the way we live and the way we work. Competitive intelligence (CI) might seem like an “extra” in the time of ...

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How to Take a Snapshot of your Competitive Landscape
Lauren Kersanske

Lauren Kersanske on Fri, Jun 19, 2020

“Can you give me a quick overview of the competitive landscape?” Unless you have an in-depth and current competitive analysis on-hand, you might find yourself slightly panicked at this sudden ...

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7 Signs You Need a Messaging Refresh
Lauren Kersanske

Lauren Kersanske on Thu, May 21, 2020

Messaging is a core part of your company’s DNA. It’s not simply a list of the 3-5 features that make your product great—it’s the story that communicates the value you provide to customers day in and ...

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Building an Intelligence Culture In Your Organization
Lauren Kersanske

Lauren Kersanske on Thu, Apr 16, 2020

Competitive Intelligence (CI) is growing. According to the recent State of Competitive Intelligence Report, more than half (57%) of businesses have CI teams of two or more dedicated CI professionals, ...

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3 Win/Loss Insights to Use in Your Battlecards
Lauren Kersanske

Lauren Kersanske on Wed, Mar 18, 2020

Win/loss analysis is a critical component of competitive intelligence (CI). Understanding who you are winning (or losing) against and why helps inform how you position and differentiate yourself ...

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Does Competitive Intelligence Impact Revenue? [+13 Charts & Stats]
Lauren Kersanske

Lauren Kersanske on Thu, Jan 16, 2020

If a business wants to maintain any sort of competitive advantage, having a competitive intelligence (CI) function is crucial. But how are businesses doing CI today? How much are they investing, and ...

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Competitive Objection Handling: How to Fight Against Competitor Claims
Lauren Kersanske

Lauren Kersanske on Thu, Sep 12, 2019

The competition is talking about you, and no surprise—it’s not good. Whether it’s half-truths or outright lies, you need to arm your sales team with tactics and talking points to counter claims made ...

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3 Lessons from Product Marketing Experts That Will Take Your Career to the Next Level
Lauren Kersanske

Lauren Kersanske on Tue, Aug 6, 2019

Career advice - some of it’s good, most of it’s bad, and yet we all seek it. We spoke with some of the best product marketers about their careers as part of our spotlight series, and here are some of ...

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4 Steps for Conducting an Impactful Competitor Analysis
Lauren Kersanske

Lauren Kersanske on Tue, Jul 16, 2019

A competitor analysis is the process of identifying and analyzing your competitors and how they compare to you. The challenge with a competitor analysis is that it’s a labor-intensive task that ...

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Product Marketers: Include These 3 Things In Your Next Sales Meeting
Lauren Kersanske

Lauren Kersanske on Wed, Jun 19, 2019

Ah, the internal sales meeting. Whether it’s weekly, monthly, or quarterly, nearly every product marketer needs to present to the rest of their sales team about what’s going on in their world. The ...

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Five Tips To Help Your Sales Reps Win Competitive Deals
Lauren Kersanske

Lauren Kersanske on Tue, Jun 4, 2019

84% of businesses say their industry has gotten more competitive in the last three years, according to the 2021 State of Competitive Intelligence. In the same report, 53% of respondents said the ...

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How to Enable Channel Partners with Competitive Intelligence
Lauren Kersanske

Lauren Kersanske on Wed, Apr 24, 2019

Competitive intelligence (CI) is a function that serves many different parts of an organization. Marketing leverages CI for campaigns and messaging, sales enablement uses it to inform sales reps of ...

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5 Strategies to Share Competitive Intelligence Information with Teams
Lauren Kersanske

Lauren Kersanske on Fri, Feb 8, 2019

“It is nothing for one to know something unless another knows you know it.” ― Persian Proverb Whichever wise man (or woman) said the above proverb knew that knowledge is absolutely useless when it ...

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3 Qualitative Data Sources You Should Use in Your Win/Loss Analysis
Lauren Kersanske

Lauren Kersanske on Thu, Jan 24, 2019

Performing a win/loss analysis is one of the single most valuable things a product marketer can do for their company. It helps sales understand why they are winning (or losing) deals, pushes ...

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How Competitive Intelligence Can Create Messaging That Resonates
Lauren Kersanske

Lauren Kersanske on Thu, Oct 25, 2018

Nailing messaging and positioning is one of the toughest tasks for product marketers. Hours of countless market research, talking with the sales team, big (and sometimes expensive) branding ...

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