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Ceillie Clark-Keane

Ceillie Clark-Keane

Ceillie Clark-Keane is Head of Marketing for Building Ventures, a VC firm focused on funding and mentoring early-stage startups in the built environment space. Previously, Ceillie led content strategy for Unstack and managed the award-winning blog at WordStream.

6 Steps to a Strong(er) B2B Value Proposition
Ceillie Clark-Keane

Ceillie Clark-Keane on Fri, Jul 9, 2021

Crafting a home run of a B2B value proposition is no easy task. Maybe your company is gearing up to launch a new product. Needless to say, you’ve got a lot on your to-do list: interviewing customers, ...

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7 Ways to Make a More Effective Message Map
Ceillie Clark-Keane

Ceillie Clark-Keane on Thu, May 27, 2021

Let’s face it—your product doesn’t sell itself. Most products just don’t. That’s why product marketing focuses on defining the positioning for your solution and the messaging your team should use to ...

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