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Helping Your Sales Team Win Head-to-Head Deals: An Ask-Me-Anything session with Slack, ZoomInfo, and AirTable.

Your sales team needs all the help they can get. Over HALF of the deals your sales team is working are competitive, and they are looking to you to provide a competitive edge that will help them secure the close.

Sign up to watch the on-demand Ask-Me-Anything session featuring Clara Smyth of Slack, Andy McCotter-Bicknell of ZoomInfo, and Alex McDonell of AirTable. They answered questions about how to use competitive intelligence to enable sales to win every deal, every time.

Tune in to hear:

  • Competitive intelligence best practices when faced with big numbers to hit at the end of the quarter
  • Tips and tricks for creating a sales environment equipped for competitive deals
  • The specific methods used by these pros that have put them at the top of their industries

Screenshot at Sep 08 14-19-01

Alex McDonnell
Market & Competitive Intelligence at Airtable


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Andy McCotter-Bicknell
Head of Competitive Intelligence at ZoomInfo


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Clara Smyth
Senior Product Marketing Manager at Slack

Watch the Webinar