
Virtual Event: 20 AI Use Cases for your Compete Program

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Sentiment Analysis

Submitted By:

Crayon Team

Sales Team Sales Leadership Compete Team Product Marketing
Use Cases:
Company Strategy Product Strategy
Data Types:
Social Media Case Studies Product Reviews Field Intelligence Clozd Win-Loss Third Party Win-Loss CRM Won & Lost Opps CRM Seller Notes

Spark Overview

Gauge the sentiment of customers about your competitors by analyzing their feedback across multiple sentiment categories. By breaking down responses into positive, negative, and neutral themes, your team can gain a clear view of competitor strengths and weaknesses. These insights are invaluable for refining positioning and responding effectively to customer concerns in sales conversations.


Analyze customer sentiment towards this competitor by categorizing feedback into positive, negative, and neutral themes. Include representative quotes for each category to provide clear context and actionable insights.


  • Timerange: Any
  • Competitors: One competitor for in-depth analysis, or multiple for a comparison.  
  • Data Types: Social Media | Case Studies | Product Reviews | Field Intelligence | Clozd Win-Loss | Third Party Win-Loss | CRM Won & Lost Opps | CRM Seller Notes

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Sample Output

Google Chrome - Crayon - Crayon PRO Sales Demo 2024-12-09 at 12.59.54 PM