
Virtual Event: 20 AI Use Cases for your Compete Program

Register here to join us on February 12th


Spice up your CI Strategy: 20 AI Recipes for Crafting a 5 Star Compete Program


Join us for an informative — and flavorful live event on February 12th at 1:00 pm EST where we'll walk through 20 impactful AI use cases designed to instantly improve your compete program. We'll hop into the Crayon kitchen to whip up practical recipes that can help you:

  • Analyze common win/loss themes 
  • Build effective competitive sales objections 
  • Identify relevant market trends
  • and more! 

We'll dig into the necessary key ingredients such as data types, timeframes, and best practice prompts, to create a perfectly delicious use case. Bonus! We'll share an overview of Sparks, Crayon's AI-based research and analysis tool.

Grab an apron, register, and learn:

  • check How organizations like yours are using AI to elevate their compete programs
  • check 20 real-world AI use cases that you can add to your recipe collection
  • check A tour of Crayon Sparks as well as an exciting deep dive into our product roadmap 


Headshot - Jon White
Jon White

Senior Vice President of Product, Crayon

Shannon speaker graphic_Blue
Shannon De Marco

Marketing Manager, Crayon

Headshot - Sheila Lahar
Sheila Lahar

VP of Content Marketing, Crayon

Get cooking with AI & join us on February 12th!

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